What Is The Difference Between Mildew And Mold?
So, what exactly is mildew? Mildew refers to certain kinds of mold or fungus, but it is often used to refer to any mold growth. Molds include all species of microscopic fungi that grow in the form of a hyphae, or multicellular filaments. Molds do very well in organic matter like bread, but they also can thrive in clothing, paper, walls and floors of homes that have extra moisture. Shower walls, windowsills, and any other places in the home with high levels of moisture can be the perfect environment for mold growth.
How To Remove And Prevent Mildew
One of the most common problems that you may encounter when painting your home is mildew. Many people think it is just dirt at first because it can appear black, gray or even brown on a painted service. Molds thrives in damp environments that have little exposure to sunlight. Most of the time, mildew is found in high-humid spaces like bathrooms and kitchens. However, it can affect most painted areas including home exteriors. The good news is that it is fairly easy to get rid of with normal household products.
Before beginning to remove the brown or black spots on walls, it is important to make sure that they are actually mildew. To check to whether it is, apply a few drops of household bleach to an affected area. Mildew will lighten and disappear within a few minutes, while dirt will remain.
Never paint over mildew because it will grow through the new paint making it even harder to remove. Wash the area with a mixture of water and bleach (3 parts water to one part beach) or with a household cleaner designed to kill mildew. Scrub the affected surface with a soft brush. Rinse the area thoroughly with clean water.
It is important to use a high-quality, mildew resistant paint like Aura® Bath & Spa. (Click HERE to shop online.) Clean and sanitize surfaces prior to painting even if you do not see mildew. After cleaning the walls, rinse them with clean water and allow them to dry. For interior rooms that are more humid, install exhaust fans or dehumidifiers to help regulate the moisture. For exterior walls, reduce or repair moisture sources like dripping air conditioners, sprinklers or leaky gutters. Then, paint the exterior walls when the sunlight can help dry the paint thoroughly.

What Causes Mildew?
Mildew growth in homes is caused by moisture. Sometimes lower quality paints are not formulated to resist mildew which increases the risk of growing mold in a humid environment. Painting in damp, dark areas with little access to sunlight and dry air can also cause mold to grow. If the surface is not primed, it can also allow for mold growth. Then, painting over a substrate or coating that already has mold growth, can also lead to more growth.