April showers bring May flowers, according to the old adage.
Showers may keep you from completing a paint job in April, however, it’s best to paint in milder temperatures before the extreme heat of Summer. Interior paint jobs can be accomplished in any type of weather, especially in a climate controlled air-conditioned home.
Here are a few guidelines to follow when painting in April, in spite of the showers:
- Climatic conditions and temperature are the 2 most important factors to take into consideration when painting the exterior of your home.
- An exterior wall that was rained on requires a minimum of 4 hours of drying time in direct sunlight and 72+ F temperature in order to be fully dry for painting. It is best to wait a full work day for the surface to dry.
- With regards to temperature, a good rule of thumb to remember is the lower the temperature registers, the longer it takes for exterior paint to dry. Likewise, the higher the temperature, it can accelerate the curing process resulting in undesirable bubbles and cracks forming on the surface.
- The optimal situation is to paint around the exterior of your house in the shade to avoid painting in direct sunlight.
- Windy conditions will also have adverse effects causing failure of the paint’s adhesion. Also, dust and other particles in the wind will become part of your paint job.
- Use the highest quality of paint your budget will allow. Better quality paint has a life 5 years longer on average than paints of lesser quality.
- Begin by doing thorough prep work to extend the life of your paint job.
- Paint from the highest point to the lowest point. Paint drips can ruin an area that has already been painted, causing extra work.
Let the design experts at Helm help you select the best paint colors and advise you to achieve the best paint job for your home.
Helm, locally owned and operated, has been in business since 1970. Our color matching system also affords us the ability to blend the custom colors you might require.
To learn more about our interior design services or make an appointment to get assistance with color selections, call us at (504) 390-3865 or email Jay Armstrong at jarmstrong@helmpaint.com.